This number indicates how many files are currently in the 'Source files list box'.
This number indicates the number of files we have successfully renamed.
This number indicates the number of files we left to try to rename.
This number indicates the number of files we were unable to rename.
Do not re-locate the file, just rename it in the folder it is in.
Rename the file and move it to a different folder. The original file will no longer be in the folder it is being renamed from.
Usually, when a camera makes an R3D file, it puts the name of the created file in the header. A few programs need this name to correctly process the file.
Choosing this will assign a name based on the date / time the picture was taken. May look something like this 20100531_091134.R3D after being renamed.
Will rename using both the date / time the picture was takes, as well as the original camera name.
If you have chosen to Rename and move, this is the folder that the renamed file will be moved to.