File Recovery

Size and extension filters

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Destination text boxes

File organizer: Destination text boxes

Move unrenamable files

If this is checked, and a folder is selected to move unrenamable files to, files that could not be renamed will be moved to this folder.

It will only move files of the chosen extension. If you load the source file names by selecting a folder and its subfolders, and the folder / subfolders contain files that are not the same as the extension type you are working with, those files will not be moved.

Select unrenamable files folder

After clicking on this button you will be asked to provide a destination folder to move the unrenamable to.

Move unrenamable files to this folder

This read only text box displays the folder to move unrenamable files to as chosen by the Select unrenamable files folder.

Base destination folder

This read only text box displays the base destination folder chosen with the 'Choose destination folder' button.

Data Recovery

Data Utility

Data Security

Data Backup

CD/DVD Tools